About SGA

About SGA

What is SGA?

We are SGA! We are compromised of 3 branches including the executive, legislative, and judicial branch. Navigate this page to find more information regarding the 3 branches and our plethora of SGA & University committees!

Governing Documents

Click for more information and to download the document
  • Constitution

    The fundamental structure and organization of SGA

  • Bylaws

    A supplementary document to the consitution. Outlines more specific rules and procedures by which our organization adheres to. 

  • Funding Guidelines

    These Funding Guidelines and Procedures define the club funding process in order to facilitate student activity and involvement at UCCS.

  • Carryforward Restrictions

    An appendix of the bylaws that delineate restrictions upon the Carryforward fund in regards to SGA funding processes.

SGA & University Committees