Student Government Association

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Information about SGA

We are the Student Government Association of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, and our mission is to help improve the lives and enhance the experiences of students.  We strive to faithfully and truthfully serve and represent students as they pursue their futures.  We exist to represent student interests to a wide variety of audiences, to include the UCCS administration, the Board of Regents of the University of Colorado, the City of Colorado Springs, and the Colorado legislature.  We represent these interests as “the official voice of students” at UCCS.

Additionally, SGA works to investigate and resolve common student concerns, advocate for the inclusion of students in the overall policy and decision-making processes of the university community, promote awareness of the student’s role in the academic community, enhance the quality and scope of education both inside and outside the classroom at the university, and to empower students with leadership and management opportunities. 

We invite you to join us. Contribute your unique perspectives, bring your ideas and talents, and make your mark on the lasting legacy of UCCS. Every student is a member of SGA, and there are many opportunities to get involved.

The Student Government Association is comprised of three branches of governance: executive, legislative, and judicial.  The individuals who volunteer to fulfill the positions within these branches come from every corner of campus; they’re charged with establishing SGA’s official position on a variety of issues as well as advocating for and carrying out its objectives. This organization creates, implements, and oversees a $350,000 budget that is generated by the student activity fee. 

  1. Fill out the funding proposal on Mountain Lion Connect. Or go directly to the form here: Appy for funding .
  2. The request is approved, edited, or denied by the Budget Advisory Committee (BAC)
  3. If request is approved, you will receive an email on how to access the funds

Find out more here!

As an SGA member, your role is very important. You are the voice of the student body, representing student interests to university staff, faculty, and administration. SGA members are involved on campus, develop valuable leadership skills, learn to be members of a team, gain insight into organizational structures and funding, and gain an understanding of political processes and parliamentary procedure. Members of SGA need to be fully committed and understand that effective student governments require time and resources. Most importantly, being a member of SGA can be fun and rewarding!

Responsibilities of all SGA Members:

  • Attend all SGA meetings.
    • SGA Senate meetings occur Thursdays from 7:30-10:00PM
  • Sit on one University Committee and one SGA Committee
  • Hold at least two office/outreach hours per week on behalf of SGA

To start the appointment process, an interested current UCCS student will:

  • Complete an application for a position on Mountain Lion Connect.
  • After an initial review, the Appointment Advisory Committee (AAC) may extend an invitation to interview
  • Interviews will be conducted by the AAC
  • AAC will then make a determination if a single candidate should advance to a second interview
  • The second interview will take place at the next regularly scheduled senate meeting
  • The Senate will then conduct a yes or no vote


Apply to SGA

Complete an application for a position on Mountain Lion Connect. After an initial review, the Appointment Advisory Committee (AAC) may extend an invitation to interview

Apply to SGA

Agendas & Documents

Access records of past meetings, future agendas, and bylaws.

Agendas & Documents

Connect on Social Media

Follow SGA on Instagram and Facebook! We are so excited to connect with you!

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Meetings & Events

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