James Rich (2021)

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James Rich (2021)

James Rich

Candidate for Senator of Military Affairs


What is your academic major/educational track?

  • International business

Why are you running for this position in the Student Government Association?

  • I feel that I have the skills and drive to fulfill all duties that will be required. I want to make sure that an open person is representing the military community.

What past experiences would make you a great candidate for the Student Government Association?

  • I went to leadership school in the military, led more than 10 missions in a major war zone, and suffered no losses. I also know how to change my speech patterns to better communicate with different people from different backgrounds.

What are some of your hobbies/interests and how are you involved at UCCS?

  • I like to make my own cheese, beer, wine, and mead. I also like to go on walks/hikes with my family and see new parts of Colorado. I also like to build my own computers. I am a creative thinker. I'm new to UCCS and am looking at becoming as involved as I can around UCCS.