Thanh Thanh Tran (2021)

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Thanh Thanh Tran (2021)

Thanh Thanh Tran

Candidate for Student Director of Finance


What is your academic major/educational track?

  • Biology: Biomedical Sciences, Pre-Med track

Why are you running for this position in the Student Government Association?

  • I want to be able to network and reach out to more students. Clubs are a big aspect of student life and activity on campus and I want to be able to advocate and help provide aid to clubs to achieve the endeavors that they have set out for said club. I've realized that a lot of resources on campus are underutilized and want to be able to expand people's knowledge on activities that happen on campus, as well as helping to foster a community where people can enjoy and explore new hobbies and interests.

What past experiences would make you a great candidate for the Student Government Association?

  • I am currently serving as a Senator at Large for this 2020-2021 school year, and am Vice Chair of the BAC. Because of this, I have knowledge and experience of how the position works. As a biology major, I also joined the NSBE club because I was interested in expanding my horizons and wanted to network with a group of diverse and smart individuals. A new position was created for me, the Marketing Executive Chair, because I contributed so much to the club. I help the President and Vice President with whatever is needed. I am also treasurer for the AIAA club. I am also a listener and observer, so I would listen to people's opinions and take that into consideration whenever making decisions.

What are some of your hobbies/interests and how are you involved at UCCS?

  • Some hobbies I have include drawing, baking, reading, and playing the piano. Interests I have include wanting to foster a community through creating value as well as wanting to help people. I am involved on eight clubs on campus, including AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics), Hyperfalcos, Society of Automotive Engineers, NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers), SWE (Society of Women Engineers), Global Medical Brigades, Pre-Health Society, and HOSA. I have also worked at Cafe 65, and am currently an OWL (Orientation Welcome Leader), as well as a Senator at Large.