Executive Branch Carson Hodges President rhodges3@uccs.edu Office Hours: Tuesday 12 - 2:45 pm Thursday 12 - 2:45 pm Friday 12 - 1:30 pm Aidan Burke Vice President aburke4@uccs.edu Amanda Ford Director of Finance aford7@uccs.edu Office Hours: Thursdays 4:30-6:30p Senate Greg Abukar-Duru Senator of Public Affairs - Speaker of the House gabukard@uccs.edu Office Hours: Monday: 12 - 1 pm Tuesday: 12 - 1 pm Wednesday: 11 am - 12 pm Thursday: 12 - 1 pm Friday: 1 - 2 pm Aiyanna Quinones Senator at Large - Speaker Pro Tempore aquinon3@uccs.edu Office Hours: Thursday 5 - 7 pm Samrawit Kopessa Senator of Letters, Arts, and Sciences skopessa@uccs.edu Office Hours: Thursday 5 - 7 pm Emmanuella Appiah Senator at Large eappiah@uccs.edu Office Hours: Thursday 5 - 7 pm Hayley Crist Senator at Large hcrist2@uccs.edu Office Hours: Monday 10:30 am - 12:30 pm Syndeed Ayman Senator at Large mayman@uccs.edu Office Hours: Thursday 12:15 - 2:15 pm Isabella Polombo Senator of Innovation ipolombo@uccs.edu Benjamin Moses Senator of Multicultural Affairs bmoses@uccs.edu Pronouns: he/him Office Hours: Thursday 5 - 7 pm Trinady Maldonado Senator of Education tmaldon3@uccs.edu Office Hours: Friday 12 - 2 pm Zachary Hoffa Senator at Large zhoffa@uccs.edu Office Hours: Tuesday 9 - 11 am Chi Idika Senator at Large cidika@uccs.edu Office Hours: Monday 2 - 4 pm Bennett Mallott Senator at Large bmallott@uccs.edu Office Hours: Wednesday 12 - 2 pm Shivani Sharma Senator of Engineering and Applied Science ssharma7@uccs.edu Office Hours: Wednesday 10 - 11 am Friday 1 - 2 pm Brittany Iheomamere Senator of Commuter Students biheomam@uccs.edu Office Hours: Thursday 12:30 - 2:30 pm Bridget Guererro Senator of Business bguerre5@uccs.edu Office Hours: Asher Early Senator of Clubs, Organizations, and Greek Life aearly@uccs.edu Office Hours: Jordan Reynolds Senator of the Arts jreyno12@uccs.edu Office Hours: Catalina Moheit Senator of Military Affairs cmoheit@uccs.edu Office Hours: Wednesday: 12 - 2 pm Judicial Branch Savoy Garey Chief Justice sgarey@uccs.edu Kamillah Ameen Associate Chief Justice kameen@uccs.edu Natalie Austin Justice naustin2@uccs.edu Amber Davis Justice adavis29@uccs.edu Eden Kidanee Election Commisioner ekidaneg@uccs.edu Matthew Stefureak Justice mstefure@uccs.edu
Executive Branch Carson Hodges President rhodges3@uccs.edu Office Hours: Tuesday 12 - 2:45 pm Thursday 12 - 2:45 pm Friday 12 - 1:30 pm Aidan Burke Vice President aburke4@uccs.edu Amanda Ford Director of Finance aford7@uccs.edu Office Hours: Thursdays 4:30-6:30p
Carson Hodges President rhodges3@uccs.edu Office Hours: Tuesday 12 - 2:45 pm Thursday 12 - 2:45 pm Friday 12 - 1:30 pm
Senate Greg Abukar-Duru Senator of Public Affairs - Speaker of the House gabukard@uccs.edu Office Hours: Monday: 12 - 1 pm Tuesday: 12 - 1 pm Wednesday: 11 am - 12 pm Thursday: 12 - 1 pm Friday: 1 - 2 pm Aiyanna Quinones Senator at Large - Speaker Pro Tempore aquinon3@uccs.edu Office Hours: Thursday 5 - 7 pm Samrawit Kopessa Senator of Letters, Arts, and Sciences skopessa@uccs.edu Office Hours: Thursday 5 - 7 pm Emmanuella Appiah Senator at Large eappiah@uccs.edu Office Hours: Thursday 5 - 7 pm Hayley Crist Senator at Large hcrist2@uccs.edu Office Hours: Monday 10:30 am - 12:30 pm Syndeed Ayman Senator at Large mayman@uccs.edu Office Hours: Thursday 12:15 - 2:15 pm Isabella Polombo Senator of Innovation ipolombo@uccs.edu Benjamin Moses Senator of Multicultural Affairs bmoses@uccs.edu Pronouns: he/him Office Hours: Thursday 5 - 7 pm Trinady Maldonado Senator of Education tmaldon3@uccs.edu Office Hours: Friday 12 - 2 pm Zachary Hoffa Senator at Large zhoffa@uccs.edu Office Hours: Tuesday 9 - 11 am Chi Idika Senator at Large cidika@uccs.edu Office Hours: Monday 2 - 4 pm Bennett Mallott Senator at Large bmallott@uccs.edu Office Hours: Wednesday 12 - 2 pm Shivani Sharma Senator of Engineering and Applied Science ssharma7@uccs.edu Office Hours: Wednesday 10 - 11 am Friday 1 - 2 pm Brittany Iheomamere Senator of Commuter Students biheomam@uccs.edu Office Hours: Thursday 12:30 - 2:30 pm Bridget Guererro Senator of Business bguerre5@uccs.edu Office Hours: Asher Early Senator of Clubs, Organizations, and Greek Life aearly@uccs.edu Office Hours: Jordan Reynolds Senator of the Arts jreyno12@uccs.edu Office Hours: Catalina Moheit Senator of Military Affairs cmoheit@uccs.edu Office Hours: Wednesday: 12 - 2 pm
Greg Abukar-Duru Senator of Public Affairs - Speaker of the House gabukard@uccs.edu Office Hours: Monday: 12 - 1 pm Tuesday: 12 - 1 pm Wednesday: 11 am - 12 pm Thursday: 12 - 1 pm Friday: 1 - 2 pm
Aiyanna Quinones Senator at Large - Speaker Pro Tempore aquinon3@uccs.edu Office Hours: Thursday 5 - 7 pm
Samrawit Kopessa Senator of Letters, Arts, and Sciences skopessa@uccs.edu Office Hours: Thursday 5 - 7 pm
Benjamin Moses Senator of Multicultural Affairs bmoses@uccs.edu Pronouns: he/him Office Hours: Thursday 5 - 7 pm
Shivani Sharma Senator of Engineering and Applied Science ssharma7@uccs.edu Office Hours: Wednesday 10 - 11 am Friday 1 - 2 pm
Brittany Iheomamere Senator of Commuter Students biheomam@uccs.edu Office Hours: Thursday 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Judicial Branch Savoy Garey Chief Justice sgarey@uccs.edu Kamillah Ameen Associate Chief Justice kameen@uccs.edu Natalie Austin Justice naustin2@uccs.edu Amber Davis Justice adavis29@uccs.edu Eden Kidanee Election Commisioner ekidaneg@uccs.edu Matthew Stefureak Justice mstefure@uccs.edu