Rules & Organization Committee
But you can call us "RaOC" for short!
What is RaOC?What is RaOC?
The Rules & Org committee reviews and recommends changes to the constitution, bylaws, rules, and polices of SGA. The Committee may make recommendations for changes to such bylaws or the UCCS SGA Constitution. The Committee may submit other proposals to any unit of SGA that it believes will improve SGA functions and operations and shall ensure that all SGA bylaws and policies are being followed.
Who runs RoAC?Who runs RoAC?
The Chair is Mike Acevedo and the Vice-chair is Stephanie Moyer.
Have a questions about RoAC or want to present a rule change? Click below to email Mike!
When does RoAC meet?When does RoAC meet?
RoAC meets Wednesdays at 11 AM as needed when governing document change requests are submitted.
What has RoAC done?What has RoAC done?
You can find past and upcoming agendas & minutes for RoAC on Mountain Lion Connect!
How Do I Request Changes?How Do I Request Changes?
If you have any bylaw recommendations, please send an email to the RaOC. In the email include:
1) The specific governing document change that you would like to be reviewed.
2) Your reason for having this governing document reviewed.
3) Any recommendation you have as to what this governing document should be changed to and your reason as to why this change should be made.