
Aidan Burke & Isabella Polombo (2025)

Aidan Burke

  • What is your name and the position for which you are running?

    Aidan Burke, President

  • What is your academic major/educational track?

    Major in Bachelors of Science in Nursing Pre-Med Track

  • Why are you running for this position in the Student Government Association?

    This past semester as Vice President I have been able to leverage my creativity to bring growth to the campus experiences, policy initiatives, and administrative improvements. Reelection signifies the next step in carrying forward those projects. From the start, I recognized Isabella's work ethic, advocacy, and leadership skills, something we both have in common. These are qualities that both of us, will put to use for the betterment of the student body. It was only natural for the two of us to come together like this, from a leadership sense and advocacy sense, we just work well together. In my experience as Vice President, I've learned the most important factor to an administration is being on the same page. The current president believes that Isabella and I are strong leaders who are capable of making the student body voices heard. I guarantee that together, Isabella and I can effectively execute our goals, with our experience, passion, and ability to turn ideas into action. I want to continue advocating for initiatives that improve student life, increase transparency, and ensure that every student feels represented. This past semester I hit the ground running with everything UCCS related. Running with Isabella, I know that we will both attack the challenges of the student body with full force and that's not an opportunity I am willing to miss. You won't find two leaders who are both capable of being president on another ticket. We hold confidence in both of our experiences within SGA and UCCS. That kind of mutual respect in our leadership makes for an effective administration. We’re here to finish what we started, bringing student driven change, leading with twice the vision.

  • What past experiences would make you a great candidate for the Student Government Association?

    As current Vice President, I’ve had the opportunity to work on bringing more popular student events to campus with live music and alcohol, focusing on long term projects such as hillside letters for UCCS, a campus tree lighting, and promoting communication within departments/student life/and the broader colorado springs community. I am focused on bringing the UCCS community together through tradition and belonging. I’ve built strong relationships between students and administration, with a strong ability to work with both alike. Experienced in navigating student government policies, I am prepared to continue serving effectively.

  • What are some of your hobbies/interests and how are you involved at UCCS?

    I’ve always held a strong passion for many subjects, while studying STEM at UCCS I’ve explored leadership positions on the side through SGA, CKI, Res-life, and the honors program. During high school I primarily studied visual and performing arts, earning a VAPA certificate - now a passion I pursue on the side. In addition, I’m passionate about human anatomy, music, and working on cars. At the core of who I am, I am truly passionate about helping people, a big reason I chose the medical field. Growing up I would often help my father with his MS for daily tasks or helping raise my little brother; caring for people is something that I’m just accustomed to, which transitions into my work as a leader within the student body.

Isabella Polombo

  • What is your name and the position for which you are running?

    Isabella Izzy Polombo, Vice President

  • What is your academic major/educational track?

    Major in Communications Minor in Women's and Ethnic Studies, and Leadership Studies

  • Why are you running for this position in the Student Government Association?

    Aidan and I believe we have so much more work to do to contribute to the betterment of campus safety, accessibility, and community. We want to strive to lead an SGA that continues to invest in the student experience and advocate for a community that is safe and welcome for all students.

  • What past experiences would make you a great candidate for the Student Government Association?

    I am fit for this position because I have extensive knowledge of the ways the student government association can advocate and support the students of UCCS. I have been a Senator in SGA for 2 years and have always put student advocacy and representation first. During this time, I have served on several university committees that have helped bring students free therapy appointments at the wellness center, the shuttle tracker, better pay, and free period product dispensers. I have never stopped advocating for students and I will continue to do so as your Vice President.

  • What are some of your hobbies/interests and how are you involved at UCCS?

    I have an investment in learning to build communities. I love building community, and have 3 years of experience of being an Resident Assistant on campus, too show for it! I hope in the future to help rebuild communities who face disasters. I originally was a commuter student and now as an on-campus resident, I love telling anyone who asks, that I am over-involved on campus. I am a part of the Chancellor's Leadership Class, currently Senator of Innovation on SGA, I volunteer frequently with the MOSAIC office, and currently have been advocating for free period product dispensers, accessibility, and transparency for and towards students on campus. Outside of disaster management and community, I love to write poetry and news articles, be in nature, and going to UCCS sports games in my spare time.