
Ben Moses & Asher Early (2025)

Ben Moses

  • hat is your name and the position for which you are running?

    Ben Moses/Student President.

  • What is your academic major/educational track?

    Criminal Justice

  • Why are you running for this position in the Student Government Association?

    Having served approximately 2 years on Student Government as Senator of Multicultural Affairs, it has been an absolute honor and pleasure serving the student body. I solely wish to utilize the knowledge that I have accumulated with through experience to serve a greater/broader portion of UCCS students as I believe I possess the insight and capacity to represent a great deal of students attending UCCS no matter the path and journey they are taking while being a student at UCCS. No matter the major, current or prior military affiliation, commuter or campus resident, age of student population, program, club, or personal interest a student possesses or are committing to, I wish to provide a full fledged college journey to all students that will not only support their efforts and aspirations but will provide them a welcoming and gratifying experience.

  • What past experiences would make you a great candidate for the Student Government Association?

    Throughout recent years, I have acquired a great deal of campus infrastructure, function, and community by having served at the capacity of being Senator of Multicultural Affairs, participating on the Budget Advisory Council (BAC), providing insights to the University Center Advisory Board (UCAB) by being on the Space/Facility Review Committee, serving as a member of the Rules and Organization Committee (RaOC), acting as Historian and Secretary for the Black Student Union (BAC), serving as the Undergraduate Polemarch of the Omicron Pi Chapter of Kappa Alpa Psi Fraternity Incorporated, participating as an Engagement Leader and working with/for students entering UCCS, and have collaborated with many departments, including Student Life, to establish events.

  • What are some of your hobbies/interests and how are you involved at UCCS?

    Interest that I take pleasure in while attending UCCS consist of having student engagement while I am in Student Life, attending club meetings of various sorts, attending events hosted by Student Life, watching live sports to include UCCS Men's and Women's Basketball, going to the gym at the Recreation & Wellness Center, playing volleyball, playing rugby and especially attending local programs such as Juneteenth, attending panels, and honing leadership skills by attending programs such as Elevating Leadership Development (ELD) hosted by the El Pomar Foundation.

Asher Early

  • What is your name and the position for which you are running?

    My name is Asher Early and I am running for Vice President.

  • What is your academic major/educational track?

    I am majoring in sociology and plan to minor in biology.

  • Why are you running for this position in the Student Government Association?

    I am running for Vice President of the Student Government Association because I am dedicated to making an important difference on campus by promoting collaboration, advocating for the welfare of students, and driving positive change. I have solid relationships and a thorough understanding of what it takes to improve university life. My objective is to establish a more dynamic, inclusive, and involved community where each student's opinion is respected and heard.

  • What past experiences would make you a great candidate for the Student Government Association?

    My prior leadership experiences have equipped me to effectively and devotedly serve as the Student Government Association's vice president. I tried to improve campus resources in my role as Vice Chair of the University Center. As Pi Kappa Phi's Risk Management Chair, I put my fraternity brothers' safety and wellbeing first by putting risk reduction techniques into practice. In my capacity as Senator of Clubs, Organizations, and Greek Life, I was able to support student organizations and work to increase campus engagement. In addition, I promoted wellness programs, safer campus procedures, and mental health awareness as the Inter-Fraternity Council's Vice President of Health and Wellness.

  • What are some of your hobbies/interests and how are you involved at UCCS?

    I enjoy making the most of my college experience by remaining active, becoming involved, and contributing to my community is the best thing I've done. Cycling and skating are my favorite methods to keep energized and push past my limits, whether I'm cycling through tough roads or riding down the street. Volunteering with The Ability Experience has been really rewarding, it's incredible to connect with others and have a genuine impact. On campus, I am constantly seeking for ways to get engaged, take on leadership responsibilities, and effect positive change. Every chance I take helps me improve, and I wouldn't have my college experience any other way.