Brittany Iheomamere (2025)
Brittany Iheomamere
What is your name and the position for which you are running?
Brittany Iheomamere Senstor of Commuter Students
What is your academic major/educational track?
Senior, Biology Pre Medicine
Why are you running for this position in the Student Government Association?
I currently hold the position of Senator of commuter students, I am running again for this position because I believe there is still more work that needs to be done for not just only the student body but emphasizing on commuter students.
What past experiences would make you a great candidate for the Student Government Association?
I'm very involved on campus with student life as well as multiple organizations at UCCS. Holding the current position of senator of commuter students, I already have a few projects in the works that I want to see-through and I know that would be very beneficial for the student body. I have a lot of connections throughout multiple departments that could possibly help me in future projects that I do want to implement.
What are some of your hobbies/interests and how are you involved at UCCS?
Some of my hobbies include sewing with the sewing machine, building Legos, traveling and learning about different cultures that are not mine. I'm involved with UCCS in a plethora of ways. When I first started at the school, I became an engagement leader, which led me to getting way more involved than I anticipated. I am the president of black health, professions student organization, event coordinator of sisterhood club, I am the senator of commuter students with student government association, and I am a member of African student Association.