Carson Hodges (2023)
Senator at Large CandidatesCarson Hodges
What are your pronouns?
What SGA position will you be running for?
Senator at Large
What is your academic major/educational track?
Physics B.S.
Why are you running for this position in the Student Government Association?
I want to branch out into less specified topics in SGA as opposed to working mainly with Public Affairs like I did this year. This will allow me to work on more events and also help others with their events more often.
What past experiences would make you a great candidate for the Student Government Association?
Throughout my high school years, I was elected the class president each year, so I learned a lot about leadership and service then. During that time, I attended meetings with different school officials and learned of the process of meetings and event planning. I have also worked at a summer camp for several years, which has taught me patience and the importance of clear communication. This year, I have been a member of the UCCS SGA, and I have learned even more about the application of all of these skills.
What are some of your hobbies/interests and how are you involved at UCCS?
As a physics major, I am interested in physics, which is why I founded the UCCS Physics Club. I also go to as many events on campus as I can in order to meet new people and make the most of my time here at UCCS.