Catalina Clay (2025)
Catalina Clay
What is your name and the position for which you are running?
Hi, I am Catalina Clay and I am running for Senator-at-large!
What is your academic major/educational track?
I am a dual major of Psychology and Sociology. I also am obtaining a minor in Student Affairs in Higher Education (SAHE).
Why are you running for this position in the Student Government Association?
I am passionate about UCCS and the Mountain Lion Family, so I would love to be involved in making the school even better than it is now. I would love to be a voice for my peers, community, friends, and anyone involved with UCCS. Although there are so many great parts about our school, I believe there is always room to improve. Whether that is with surrounding clubs, different organizations, campus events, student morale, or anything else, I believe I can help make the school a better place for everyone.
What past experiences would make you a great candidate for the Student Government Association?
I was a member of DECA and was Vice President of Marketing in my high school program. I was in charge of the social media accounts and all physical marketing, all while delegating toward others in the Marketing Committee. In this program, I ran multiple events. My most notable one was Drive Safe Week, which encouraged and showcased the importance of safe driving, and ultimately raised over $4000 for a local foundation dedicated to helping car crash victim's families. In addition to this experience, I have worked with children ranging between the ages of 1-12 for over three years. This experience has prepared me to understand, work with, empathize, and collaborate with any and all personality types. This makes me fully prepared to engage with peers, staff, and community that I would work with in the program and in general on campus. I am always willing to learn and keep an open mind, which can be a valuable tool in bettering the school for the benefit of the student body. I understand the importance of the Student Government Association's work, and my various past experiences give me the preparation needed to fulfill a role as a Senator-at-large.
What are some of your hobbies/interests and how are you involved at UCCS?
At UCCS, I work at the Family Development Center, where I interact and work with children age 1-5 in the UCCS community. I also am involved in the Group Fitness program on campus, where I especially enjoy pilates, yoga, and cycling. Other than my involvement at UCCS, my hobbies and interests include traveling and geography, dancing, concerts and music, and more! I would love to increase my involvement by being part of the Student Government Association.