Emmanuella Appiah (2025)
Emmanuella Appiah
What is your name and the position for which you are running?
Emmanuella Appiah Senator of Multicultural Affairs
What is your academic major/educational track?
I am currently majoring in Business with an emphasis in Information Systems with a minor in Computer Science.
Why are you running for this position in the Student Government Association?
I have a passion for making sure the needs of students of color are met and their voices are heard. I believe that diversity is an important asset to this campus and it's vital that all students feel welcome and have the opportunity to build community on campus.
What past experiences would make you a great candidate for the Student Government Association?
I have strong leadership skills. I have attended many leadership conferences and seminars. This has given me a strong understanding of my own leadership and what leadership should look like. I am the President of the African Student Association currently, I have previously served as the Treasurer and Vice President. I am working together with others on the executive board of the club to put on a large event to showcase African culture called Journey to Africa. I also have an on-campus job working at the scholarship development office as a student assistant. This has taught me how to have better time management and learn how different areas of the school operate. I have had the privilege of serving as a senator at large for the 23-24 and 24-25 school year. This has given me first-hand experience with SGA and I believe I can be a voice for students who are in communities that are often looked over by large institutions.
What are some of your hobbies/interests and how are you involved at UCCS?
I am involved in a few different clubs on campus. I am in the Black Student Union, Sisterhood, Feminist Club, and the President of the African Student Association. I also regularly attend on-campus events and had the privilege of being an engagement leader in the Fall 2024 semester. One of my hobbies is making videos, I taught myself how to record and edit videos, and it is something I enjoy doing. I also listen to different types of music. I love music and I think it is a great way to express yourself and connect with other people.