Greg Abukar-Duru

Greg Abukar-Duru (2023)

Greg Abukar-Duru

What are your pronouns?

  • He/Him/His

What SGA position will you be running for?

  • Senator of Public Affairs

What is your academic major/educational track?

  • I am currently in the second semester of my sophomore year.

Why are you running for this position in the Student Government Association?

  • I think it is the natural next step in getting involved with school and campus activities. I am already part of two criminal justice clubs, where I hold a Presidential and club officer rank. Becoming a Senator for my major would help me communicate and improve upon our great public affairs school. I genuinely want to see a better change for public affairs, more engagement and collaborations, as well as more public appeal.

What past experiences would make you a great candidate for the Student Government Association?

  • I would make a great candidate because of my many other clubs I have been doing from the start, I have been a Co-President ACJA member since my freshman year, A member of LawSchoolYesWeCan! since my senior year of high school, a contributing member of Law Society and Club Officer. These experiences alone make me a great candidate for Senator of Public Affairs.

What are some of your hobbies/interests and how are you involved at UCCS?

  • I am part of ACJA or American Criminal Justice Association, a club where we have firearm training, crime scene investigations, and written tests for competition. I am part of Law Society where we are working on peer review research paper for Colorado Law Journal, Lsat prep courses, field trips, and guest speakers who talk about their career and get to ask them specific questions about their career in law.