Olivia Abeyta (2025)
Olivia Abeyta
What is your name and the position for which you are running?
Olivia Abeyta and Senator of Clubs, Organizations, and Greek Life.
What is your academic major/educational track?
Psychology and Criminal Justice.
Why are you running for this position in the Student Government Association?
I am running for this position because I have a passion to make UCCS a better place. I was involved in many clubs in high school including DECA and Student Government. I’ve always been super interested in student life and leadership.
What past experiences would make you a great candidate for the Student Government Association?
My past experiences in leadership include being in Student Government in high school as well as DECA. I was the captain of my high school golf team too! I have found exhilaration through leadership and it is where I thrive! I led a political movement for the local measures 5A and 5B to fund schools and teacher pay, while in DECA. I would love to be in a different leadership position!
What are some of your hobbies/interests and how are you involved at UCCS?
I’ve always loved to play golf it’s been one of my passions for 6 years, and I find a lot of joy in it. I’m also a part of the psychology club at UCCS to better my understanding of the resources for my major. I go to a ton of campus events, and love spending time with my friends.