Teri Kear (2025)

Teri Kear

  • What is your name and the position for which you are running?

    Senator of the College of Education

  • What is your academic major/educational track?

    Elementary Education

  • Why are you running for this position in the Student Government Association?

    I have already run for Political office back in 2018 & doing this it has given me the Student Government Association bug to try again running for office. I believe that I could make a difference here at UCCS not for just my College of Education, but for all of the different Colleges with in UCCS.

  • What past experiences would make you a great candidate for the Student Government Association?

    I see outside of the box when solving what some might call problems but I call them situations. I try to see the silver lining in life.

  • What are some of your hobbies/interests and how are you involved at UCCS?

    I enjoy my working at my job with the special education department for high school students, I also enjoy gardening, my pets include: a dog named Sugar, an Axolotl named Guadalupe, & many fish.